Nutrition in the African Food Security Framework

viewpoint-177Issatou Jallow is senior nutrition and partnership advisor and head, Food Security and Nutrition Programme, NEPAD Agency. © WFP/R Skullerud


What has NEPAD done to integrate nutrition in the CAADP processes at country level?
The Nutrition Capacity Development Initiative of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) was launched in 2011 following a review of the National Food Security Investment Plans (NAFISPS). This showed that nutrition had not been well integrated into CAADP country processes. Regional capacity development workshops were organised and multi-sectoral country teams from 49 countries developed roadmaps to address this shortcoming. However, integrating nutrition in NAFISPS was not enough; adequate domestic capacity and financial resources are also required. At the 41st session of the Committee on World Food Security in 2014, member states acknowledged the need to mobilise national resources. This is yet to be put into action.

What are the most important indicators when monitoring nutrition within the CAADP framework?
According to the 2014 Global Nutrition Report, only two out of the 54 countries in Africa are on track to meet the targets for reducing anaemia in women. This affects their health and productivity. Improvements in the nutritional status of women of reproductive age, adolescent girls and children under five, especially in households that depend on agriculture, need to be tracked.

How can the disconnect between agriculture and nutrition be overcome?
We need to focus more on the 'how to' and make resources available to bridge the gap. Phase 2 of the CAADP Nutrition Capacity Development Initiative will be developed and implemented through the regional economic communities. The Home Grown School Feeding Programme, a NEPAD flagship initiative, which benefits smallholder farmers especially women will become a continental programme. The Africa Day on Food and Nutrition Security will be our advocacy platform for promoting the agriculture and nutrition link and the soon to be revised and rebranded CAADP Pillar III Framework for African Food Security and Nutrition will be launched and implemented with the support of our partners.

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